
This Week’s Schedule and Thoughts on Podcasting

My schedule this week is already crazy! Between teaching, cooking, cleaning, prepping for school, and I also found out I didn't win the podcasting contest but will be podcasting anyway...my Pitta dosha (fire...your classic Type A) hates losing, but I know I need to be humbled to remind myself to BE humble! I had never… Continue reading This Week’s Schedule and Thoughts on Podcasting


Not Lost, but Roaming

I have been absent from this place for a few weeks. But, I have been present in my daily life. Our family has been to the mountains. I celebrated my 47th trip around the sun. I did some yoga. I cooked some meals. I took some pictures. I drank some wine. I did not blog.… Continue reading Not Lost, but Roaming


Catching Up and Slowing Down

It has been a chaotic week around here...homeschooling, subbing a resistance bands class, prepping for two radio interviews tomorrow on wine, meeting with a new client and cooking for another, and trying to get my house cleaned! Whew...on top of everything else, I am knee deep in the middle of my 10 day sugar/caffeine/alcohol detox...I… Continue reading Catching Up and Slowing Down


Balance | Unmoving | Patience

I have been tending a sick child all week. What began as a headache turned into a fever and terrible cough plus sore throat. Thankfully, the batches of homemade chicken noodle soup, tomato soup, and hot teas have finally helped little man kick this cold to the curb. So, today I got out my sage… Continue reading Balance | Unmoving | Patience